How to Make the Best Sales Collateral to Close the Deal

Sales collateral is like a superhero that helps you sell things. It’s not just old brochures or boring papers. It’s the special tools you use to make people want to buy what you’re selling. In this post, we’ll learn how to make phenomenal sales collateral that grabs people’s attention and makes them want to buy. Whether you own a small business or have been in sales for a long time, it doesn’t matter—these tips will help you sell faster!

Why Sales Collateral is Your Best Friend

Sales collateral is like your closest friend; it is always there when you need a little extra support. It helps you convince people to become your customers. Think of it as your personal cheerleader, always saying, “You’ve got this!”

Sales collateral also makes sure your message is clear and consistent. It helps you share the same information without having to repeat yourself all the time. Instead of sounding like a broken record, you can use these materials to show off your products or services in a way that’s easy to understand and remember.

The Anatomy of Effective Sales Collateral

Creating strong sales collateral is like making a cake. You need the right ingredients, a good recipe, and a bit of creativity. Here’s what you need to make sales materials that people will love.

First, you have the headline. It’s the first thing people see, so make sure it’s powerful and catchy! Next, the body copy is where you share your main message. It should be clear, simple, and interesting. Finally, the call to action (CTA) tells people what to do next, like taking the next step to buy.

The Different Types of Sales Collateral

Not all sales collateral is created equal. There are many types, each serving a different purpose. Let’s break down some of the most common ones:

Brochures and Flyers

Sales Professional Using Sales Collateral

These are the basics of sales collateral and are key to any good sales plan. They give a simple, clear overview of what you’re offering, making it easy for potential customers to understand. Think of them as your quick, printed elevator pitch—short but strong enough to grab attention and encourage action. By breaking down your main selling points into an easy-to-read format, these materials help ensure your message sticks and persuades. When done well, they become valuable tools that help guide people as they decide whether to buy.

Case Studies

Case studies are your success stories that help build trust with potential clients. They show how you’ve helped others, giving real examples of what you can do. By sharing these stories, you prove that you can get the results people are looking for. They highlight your skills and show the real benefits others have gotten from your products or services. In short, they act like genuine testimonials that can impact someone’s buying decision.

Whitepapers and eBooks

These two types of sales collateral are for people who like to know all the details. They let you show off your expertise and provide more than just the basics. By focusing on what matters most to your prospects, you show that you understand their needs. This helps build trust by proving you can meet their expectations. For those who want to dig deep, these materials are key to showing that you are knowledgeable and reliable.

Crafting a Killer Brochure

The classic brochure may seem old-fashioned, but it’s still a powerful sales tool. The trick to a great brochure is to keep it simple but effective.

Begin with a bold cover that grabs attention. Use eye-catching images and a strong headline. Inside, give clear and easy-to-read information. Use bullet points or infographics to keep readers interested. And always finish with a convincing call to action (CTA) that tells people what to do next.

The Power of Case Studies

Case studies are your secret weapon. They provide real-life examples of your success and prove to prospects that you can get results. A good case study can really boost your credibility.

Start with an interesting story. Introduce the client and their problem. Then, explain how you stepped in to help. Use facts and quotes to support your story. And be sure to highlight the results—this is where you really get to show off!

Whitepapers and eBooks for the Win

Whitepapers and eBooks are perfect for prospects who like to explore details. They let you demonstrate your expertise and share valuable insights.

When creating a whitepaper or eBook, pick a topic that matters to your audience. Offer deep analysis and practical advice. Use visuals to make the content more engaging. And always include a call to action, guiding readers on what to do next.

Infographics: Your Visual Superheroes

Infographics are the superheroes of sales tools. They make complicated information easy to understand and look great, too. Plus, they’re perfect for sharing on social media.

When making an infographic, stick to one topic. Use bright colors and striking visuals to catch attention. Keep the text short and use data to support your points. Don’t forget to add your branding and contact details so people know how to reach you.

The Role of Video in Sales Collateral

Video is a strong tool in your sales toolkit. It’s an engaging way to show off your products or services and add a personal touch.

When making a sales video, keep it short and to the point. Highlight the benefits, not just the features. Use eye-catching visuals and a clear script. And don’t forget to include a call to action, telling viewers what to do next.

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency is important in sales materials. Everything should match your brand’s voice and message. This builds trust and makes your audience feel confident in you.

Ensure all your sales materials use the same colors, fonts, and logo. Keep your messaging the same across all pieces. This creates a unified brand experience, making it easier for prospects to remember you.

Measuring the Success of Your Sales Collateral

After creating your sales materials, it’s important to measure their effectiveness. This will help you see what works and what needs to be improved.

Keep an eye on things like downloads, shares, and conversions. Use this information to improve your materials and make them more effective. Also, listen to feedback from your prospects and clients—it can give you useful ideas for improvement.

Closing the Deal with Jaw-Dropping Sales Collateral

Sales collateral is your special tool for making sales. It’s like a Swiss Army knife—handy, versatile, and always there when needed! Creating engaging and trustworthy materials can turn curious prospects into loyal customers.

As you work on these materials, have fun and let your personality shine. Be yourself, and connect with people in a friendly way. They’ll notice and appreciate the effort you put in. With this mindset, you’ll be on the path to sales success. So, get creative and start crafting enticing materials that help you close the deal!

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Andrew Roche Director of Digital Marketing
Andrew Roche is an innovative and intentional digital marketer. He holds an MBA in Marketing from the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University. Outside of work, Andrew enjoys anything related to lacrosse.
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