How to Write Awesome Website Copy: What You Need to Know

Your online presence is as essential as a morning coffee today. This is why you must master the art and science of crafting pristine website copy. Your words are more than a collection of letters. They’re the bridge between you and your audience. Whether selling a product, providing a service, or sharing an idea, your website copy is your primary tool to captivate, connect, and drive action. So, how do you make phenomenal website copy? Let’s dive in and explore how you can turn your words into high-performing website copy.

The Art of the First Impression

Welcoming Website Copy

Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt the vibe? Your website’s homepage is that room, which makes your copy the vibe. First impressions matter a lot. Your website copy is the welcome wagon that invites readers in or sends them running for the hills. You’re likely wondering, how do you make them stay? You can do this by employing engaging language like a friendly coffee chat. Furthermore, you also want to avoid jargon like the plague unless you’re writing for a jargon-loving crowd.

Start with a headline that pops. Think of it as the neon sign that flashes “Open for Business.” Your headline is not just a tantalizing tidbit that promises readers something valuable; it’s the urgent call that demands their attention. Next, follow up with a subheading that gives a sneak peek into what’s in store. Remember, you’re not selling a product or service. You’re selling an experience.

Transitioning from your dazzling headline to the body, ensure your sentences are short and sweet. Few want to read a novel when the CliffsNotes are a click away. Short and sweet sentences make the reading process fluid and provide comfort. Make sure to sprinkle in some humor. A dash of lightheartedness and cheekiness can make even the driest topics feel like an epic party.

Speak Their Language

Speak the Same Language with Your Website Copy

Picture this: you’re at a party, and someone starts talking about quantum physics in Klingon. I’m willing to bet you’ll seek a new conversation to join unless you’re a physicist and Trekkie. The same goes for your website copy. You must speak your audience’s language. This means understanding their pain points, desires, and preferred communication styles.

You need to conduct a little research. What is your target audience talking about on social media? Which phrases do they use? You must then weave this language into your copy to create an instant connection. It’s like showing up to a themed party in the right costume—it just works.

Moreover, you must relate to your audience. You can share anecdotes or stories that resonate with your audience’s experiences. This builds rapport and trust, which makes your brand feel more like a friend than a faceless corporation. And who doesn’t want more friends?

Benefits Over Features

We’ve all seen those infomercials that focus on product features with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. We’re talking about legends like Billy Mays promoting OxiClean or Dean Winters portraying “Mayhem” in the Progressive commercials. However, nobody cares about features. People care about the benefits. Ask yourself, what’s in it for them? How will your product or service make their lives easier, happier, or more fulfilling?

When writing your website copy, ensure you highlight the benefits first. Paint a picture of life before and after using your product. Will it save them time? Will it make them the envy of their peers? Let them imagine the possibilities. Remember, you’re not selling a drill. You’re selling the perfect hole in the wall.

You should transition back to features only to support the benefits. Think of features as the fine print that backs up your bold promises. This way, your readers get a complete picture without feeling overwhelmed by technical jargon.

Be a Storyteller

Once upon a time, there was a website that captivated its audience with enchanting tales…

Alright, maybe not fairy tales, but storytelling is a powerful tool in your copywriting toolkit. Stories are memorable, evoke emotions, and make your brand unforgettable.

You need to craft narratives around your products or services. Share how they came to be, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the triumphs they’ve achieved. This humanizes your brand and creates an emotional connection with your audience. People are likelier to invest in your story than a generic sales pitch.

Furthermore, you can simplify complex ideas through storytelling. A story about how a customer overcame a challenge using your product is more effective than a bullet-point list of features. So, channel your inner Shakespeare and weave some magic with words.

SEO: The Magic Wand

Don’t forget about SEO. Optimizing your content for search engines ensures that your words reach the masses. SEO may be the villain to some, but this isn’t the case.

You start with keyword research and identify the words and phrases your audience searches for. You then incorporate them into your copy naturally. Keywords are like sprinkles on a cupcake—delightful when evenly spread but overwhelming if dumped in one spot.

You can use headings and subheadings to structure your content. Doing so makes your copy easier to read and helps search engines understand your content’s hierarchy. Lastly, don’t forget meta descriptions. These enticing snippets lure readers from search engine results and convince them to click through to your website.

Call to Action: The Grand Finale

Website Copy Call to Action

Imagine watching a movie that ends with the timeless “To Be Continued…” screen. This leaves you high and dry without closure—frustrating, right? Your website copy should always feature a clear call to action (CTA) to guide your readers to the next step.

Your CTA should be specific and demand the reader’s attention. Instead of a bland “Click Here,” try something more engaging like “Discover Your Perfect Match” or “Start Your Adventure Now.” Make it irresistible. Remember, the goal is to guide your readers gently into the next stage of their journey with your brand.

Lastly, don’t hide your CTA. It should be as visible as a flashing neon sign—easy to spot and hard to resist. Place it strategically within your copy to maximize engagement and conversions.

Keep It Simple, Smarty

KISS – Keep It Simple, Smarty. When it comes to website copy, simplicity is your best friend. You want your message to be clear like a bell tolling in a quiet village. It’s best to avoid convoluted sentences that make readers’ heads spin at all costs.

Use everyday language and short paragraphs. Your readers are scanning your content, not reading The Odyssey. Bullet points and lists are your friends when presenting information quickly and clearly. They make your copy digestible and easy to follow.

Finally, employ white space like a painter uses a canvas. Space out your text to give your readers’ eyes a break and create a visually appealing layout. An overcrowded page is off-putting, like a crowded elevator – nobody wants to get stuck in it.

Test, Tweak, and Triumph

Website Copy Editing

Even the best copy requires a bit of tweaking. Regularly test different versions of your copy to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing is your trusty sidekick in your quest for optimization.

Experiment with different headlines, CTAs, and the tone of the content. Analyze the results using your analytics tools. Which version generated more clicks? Which one had lower bounce rates? Use these insights to refine your copy further.

Remember, there’s always room for improvement. The digital world is constantly evolving, and your copy must evolve with it. So, keep testing, keep tweaking, and triumph in the end.

Handle Feedback Like a Pro

Feedback is a gift wrapped in constructive criticism. Embrace it and use it to refine your copy. Whether from clients, colleagues, or your audience, all feedback provides valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not.

Start by listening actively. Is there a recurring theme in the feedback? If so, address it. Sometimes, the solution might be as simple as clarifying a point or rewording a phrase. Other times, it might require substantial edits.

Be open to revisions, but also trust your instincts as a writer. Finding the sweet spot between adhering to feedback and maintaining your unique voice is vital. Remember, you’re the expert. However, there’s always room for improvement.

Celebrate Your Successes

Finally, remember to celebrate your victories. Writing compelling website copy is no small task. Acknowledge the hard work and creativity that go into crafting each word, sentence, and paragraph.

Reflect on what worked well and your copy’s impact on your business or client. Did it increase website traffic? Boost conversions? Garner positive feedback? Celebrate these wins and use them as motivation for future projects.

Remember, every piece of copy is a stepping stone on your journey to becoming a master wordsmith. So, keep writing, learning, and bringing your audience joy through your words.

Closing Thoughts on Crafting Website Copy

Crafting superb website copy is a journey filled with creativity, strategy, and a touch of magic. From making stellar first impressions to speaking your audience’s language, every word counts. Embrace storytelling, focus on benefits, and never underestimate the power of a well-placed call to action. Remember, simplicity is vital, and testing leads to triumph. With these insights, you’re well on your way to creating website copy that captures attention and converts visitors into loyal customers. Cheers to your next great copywriting adventure!

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Andrew Roche Director of Digital Marketing
Andrew Roche is an innovative and intentional digital marketer. He holds an MBA in Marketing from the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University. Outside of work, Andrew enjoys anything related to lacrosse.
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